Besides, did you know that the retention of information is not the same depending on how it is transmitted? Thus the human retains: 10% of what he reads 20% of what he hears 30% of what he sees 50% of what he sees and hears 70% of what he discusses with others 80% of what he experiences himself 90% of what he teaches others Therefore, could we say that the Google brain, via RankBrain, will capture more by what it hears or sees, more than by what it reads.
No doubt it is still too early to measure the impact of mobile voice search. But Google's ability to cross-reference all of this data promises in any case to make it much fax list more efficient on the one hand, but also much more powerful on the other hand, as a database on human beings. . As Greg Corrado, co-founder of the Google Brain project, explains, RankBrain comes to the aid of traditional Google algorithms and tries to “understand” unknown words or bits of phrases, to guess what they correspond to. According to him, this tool would be used in particular to raise ambiguous requests. RankBrain: When Google Search Deciphers Your Psyche In his interview given to the newspaper Le Monde , in June 2016 he specified.
Regarding the conversation, to build an assistant that works well, you have to be able to talk to him in a natural way – and that's starting. If you ask him "how long is this river?" he will know which river you are talking about. For it to work perfectly, this system should be able to ask questions, to raise problems, like when you ask it to make a reservation but the requested time is no longer available. For now, it's science fiction, no system is able to do it. But we can imagine that it will be possible within five years.