The operators usually offer this service for free, although depending on the characteristics, you have to pay a supplement. A virtual PBX like Zadarma's is free , always, right out of the box and with all the functions available. It would only be necessary to add a monthly cost if we want to acquire a rate for outgoing calls - where, in addition, the services of the switchboard are extended -. In the end, the business of the operators is none other than the lines, and the more, the better.
That is why in all cases of the operator switchboard we have to, first, be customers of that Internet provider and contract a rate that also comes with a permanence that does mobile number list not fal l below 12 months (permanence that does not exist in the case of stand-alone PBXs). This has other implications. If we have a switchboard like Zadarma or another operator as much as we want to always find a fiber rate that suits us. On the contrary, if we opt for an operator PBX, the day we unsubscribe from that operator, we also lose the switchboard service and we will have to set it up again.
That is why, both for convenience and for costs, it is clear that the best option will always be that of an independent virtual switchboard rather than tying ourselves, with yet another rope, to the operator on duty with more expenses, permanence and commitments.ransfer of telephone calls in most common models of IP phones 29.07.2020 IP phone In every business we have situations in which in a call with a client we need to transfer it to another agent. Zadarma cares about the comfort of its users and offers you two ways to transfer a call within the virtual switchboard: With the help of hotkeys. To transfer an outgoing or incoming call within Zadarma's free virtual switchboard, press With the help of special buttons on IP phones.