Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg has special database put up for auction the NTF of five works: Leonardo da Vinci's "Madonna Letta" , Giorgione's "Judith" , Van Gogh's "Lilacs" , Wassily Kandinsky's "Composition VI" , and "Corner From the special database Garden at Monteros" by Claude Monet. The starting price of each of the works has been set special database at $10,000 and all funds received from the sale will go to the museum. As explained by the museum in a
statement , all tokenized digital works have special database been created in two copies . One of them will be kept at the Hermitage and the other will be special database auctioned on Finance NFT, the market of the leading international blockchain ecosystem Finance. All digital copies have been signed by Mikhail Piotrovsky , General Director of the special database Hermitage, who confirms the authenticity of each work in the limited series by including the precise
date and time of the signature. The place special database of the signing, the rooms of the Hermitage, is also preserved in the metadata. "The Hermitage special database is a conservative innovator, a conservative museum that uses the latest technologies ," said Piotrovsky, who says they do not intend to use tokens to address financial special database problems. “We want to see how this format is received. The NFT is a philosophy, the aesthetics of possession. Digital